Find Where You Belong
When you come to Grand Valley Church, we want you to feel like you belong here. One of the ways that belonging happens is to connect and get involved beyond our Sunday morning gathering.
Life Groups
Life Groups are one way that you can gather together with a group of people weekly to share your lives with each other and grow deeper in your walk with God. These groups meet at different times during the week, and usually meet in someone's home. Having a community where you can be known and know others is vital to a growing relationship with God.
If you’re interested in joining or leading a life group, find out more by visiting our life groups page.
We believe that every child deserves a chance to learn about Jesus in a fun and engaging way that's relevant to their age. During our Sunday services, our trained team of KidZone volunteers is focused on helping your child learn about God, faith, and love for one another. KidZone is available for children age 2 to age 10, and KidZone starts after the music portion of our Sunday service.
We are committed to creating a safe space for your children to grow in faith. If your children want to check out KidZone, please go to the welcome desk on Sunday before the service to register and pick up a name tag.