God has called us to greater things, and every one of us has a part if we are going to step forward into the greater things that God has for us.
God calls all of us into experiencing and living out a Greater Love.
Happy couples decide they owe each other everything but are owed nothing in return. But that requires effort. Every married person makes a choice every day. That choice feels more like a reaction, so most people don't think they have a choice at all. But they do. Happy couples make the happy choice.
We all enter into marriage with hopes, dreams, and desires. They create expectations. But when you put those expectations onto your spouse, it turns your marriage into a debt/debtor relationship. Your relationship becomes marked by the belief that your spouse owes you something. So, how do you keep your hopes, dreams, and desires from becoming expectations?
Over the month of January, we have been working through a sermon series about moving from any place in our lives where there is darkness, and stepping into the freedom of living in the light.
This week we wrap up the series by discussing the following: “Life is about more than just avoiding pain, how do we overcome it?”
We are continuing the sermon series Out of the Darkness which looks at making a change in your life, specifically how do you move from darkness into light.
This week we look at the concept of dealing with shame, and some steps to defeat shame
As we start into a new year, we are continuing a new sermon series that looks at making a change in your life, specifically how do you move from darkness into light.
This week we look at the concept of dealing with fear, and some common fears that keep us from moving from darkness to light.
As we start into a new year, we are starting a new sermon series about moving from any place in our lives where there is darkness, and stepping into the freedom of living in the light.
This week we are starting with talking about the risk of making a change.