The Power Gifts require a common foundation to be expressed in healthy ways. Our identity and our character allow us to use our spiritual gifts in healthy ways.
Invisible God - Community
After the resurrection, the church began with the mission to reveal Jesus and transform the whole world.
Grand Valley’s Mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Grand Valley’s Vision is to be a community that connects unchurched people to Jesus.
Is our passion big enough to do whatever it takes to achieve God’s mission?
Invisible God - Scripture
After the resurrection, Jesus became invisible. He appeared to his followers repeatedly, but they needed to figure out how to follow Jesus without Jesus being physically with them at all times. This series explores the lessons they learned about how to relate to God, and what we can learn and practice today.
If we want to see God, we have to look at Scripture.
Invisible God - Easter Sunday - The Resurrection
After the resurrection, Jesus became invisible. He appeared to his followers repeatedly, but they needed to figure out how to follow Jesus without Jesus being physically with them at all times. This series explores the lessons they learned about how to relate to God, and what we can learn and practice today.
No one expected Jesus to resurrect from death on the third day, even though he had told his followers that he would, but the resurrection proves that Jesus will follow through on his promises, that God has power over life and death, and that God desires a vibrant and active relationship with us.
Giver & Users - Power Gifts
God has given spiritual gifts to every follower of Jesus, but for many of us these gifts are unwrapped and unexplored. How can we help each other discover their spiritual gifts and their unique role in serving one another?
Power Gifts reveal that God is present with us right now in the room, and they display his supernatural power.
Giver & Users - Word Gifts
God has given spiritual gifts to every follower of Jesus, but for many of us these gifts are unwrapped and unexplored. How can we help each other discover their spiritualg giftsand their unique role in serving one another?
Word gifts shape the church by revealing who God is, what he desires, and what this greater mission is.